2015-05-29 12.46.02 from SK.Chris on Vimeo.
2015-05-29 12.55.13 from SK.Chris on Vimeo.
2015-05-29 13.00.34 from SK.Chris on Vimeo.
On Friday, we had the pleasure of welcoming We Are The Forest to our classroom where we explored the connections we have with forests. Nate Ayers showed us similarities in structural patterns (fractal properties) and explained the symbiotic relationship that exists between trees and humans with an emphasis on how the health of the former contributes to that of the latter. But the connections went beyond concerns about the environment.
Music and storytelling help define us and the forest has played a fundamental role in shaping these aspects of our shared human culture. Various cultures across the world have utilized the forest to make instruments which enable us to share stories through music. Nick Ayers (Nate’s brother) shared stories and songs with these instruments and it was amazing to hear how the sounds produced mimicked the sounds of air, water, and earth.
We ended our session with the installation of a “tree library” comprised of native trees that we will use for study, propagation, soil building, and a step towards creating resilient and regenerative systems at our school. The trees planted will help provide shelter and food for animals, and over time, food and fiber for our school (as well as more places to hide and climb.)
Our day ended with gratitude for the experience and hope for our shared future.